About 37.73% of the population in Hawaii is Asian American, the highest in the country.
Detailed Origin data is complied using Table B01003 from the 2015 ACS 5-Year estimates. Nationally, about 3.94% of the population is Asian American, and 0.4% of the population is NHPI.
Greyed out states indicate that the ACS sample is not large enough to provide reliable estimates.
Greyed out states indicate that the ACS sample is not large enough to provide reliable estimates.
CVAP data is complied using Table B05003 from the 2015 ACS 5-Year estimates. Nationally, about 72.51% of Americans are eligible to vote, while the national average number for AAPI is 2.97%
Educational Attainment data is complied using Table B15002 from the 2015 ACS 5-Year estimates. Nationally, about 11.75% of Americans have less than a High School diploma and about 29.51% have a Bachelor’s Degree or higher.
Greyed out states indicate that the ACS sample is not large enough to provide reliable estimates.
Greyed out states indicate that the ACS sample is not large enough to provide reliable estimates.
Limited English Proficiency (LEP) refers to the proportion of individuals who speak a language other than english at home & speak english less than “very well”. Limited English Proficiency data is complied using Table B16004 from the 2015 ACS 5-Year estimates. Nationally Among Americans who speak a language other than english at home, about 38.56% of them speak English less than “very well”.
Greyed out states indicate that the ACS sample is not large enough to provide reliable estimates.
Greyed out states indicate that the ACS sample is not large enough to provide reliable estimates.
Nativity data is complied using Table B05012 from the 2015 ACS 5-Year estimates. Nationally, about 9.06% of Americans are foreign born.
Greyed out states indicate that the ACS sample is not large enough to provide reliable estimates.
Greyed out states indicate that the ACS sample is not large enough to provide reliable estimates.
Poverty data is complied using Table B17001 from the 2015 ACS 5-Year estimates. Nationally, about 14.84% of Americans are living below poverty line.
Greyed out states indicate that the ACS sample is not large enough to provide reliable estimates.
Greyed out states indicate that the ACS sample is not large enough to provide reliable estimates.